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Equivalent to 4 hours sleep

Saturday, March 20th

7:00 - 8:15pm

Celebrate the Spring Equinox in this special evening of profound rest through guided relaxation. It's done lying down with no effort involved and nothing for you to do but experience deep rest.


During this time of COVID-19 a lot has been disrupted. Schedules, activities, social interactions and sleep patterns have all changed. Not having our normal activities define our day can alter our sleep and concerns and uncertainty can leave us anxious and restless. I invite you to experience a soothing balm for this uncertain time.  Join me for Yoga Nidra. 

Yoga Nidra (Yogic Sleep) is a state between sleep and waking and is used to restore the body and increase the sense of well-being. It aides in releasing muscular, emotional and mental tension, improves sleep, helps enhance memory, relieves stress and anxiety, and restores the mind and body. One session of yoga nidra can be equivalent to 4 hours of deep relaxed sleep.

Yoga Nidra is a valuable tool to manage anxiety and sleep disturbances and is beneficial for anyone looking to restore, relax, reduce stress, and gain a greater sense of equanimity. No yoga experience is necessary for this practice which is done lying down. The practice begins by setting a sankalpa (intention) for your practice or whatever you would like to manifest in your life. You are then guided through body awareness, breath, sensation and visualization to bring you into a state of conscious peace and awareness. The session will leave you feeling refreshed, restored and peaceful for you to go through your evening ritual or right to a hot bath or bed. 

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